What is OTC service?

In-store transactions, which means direct transactions without going through an exchange, Abbreviation for Over The Counter. Speaking of cryptocurrency transactions, it is common to buy and sell at exchanges, but Beograd Consulting Group receives orders from investors and exchanges around the world.

There are 10 types of cryptocurrencies
that can be exchanged at the Beograd Consulting Group!

Cryptocurrency that can be exchanged to
Representative cryptocurrency Bitcoin (BTC)、
Ethereum (ETH)、

Bitcoin、Litecoin、Ripple、Bitcoin Cash、Stellar、EOS、Ethereum、Dash、TUSD、USDT

10 kinds of cryptocurrencies are exchanged for Georgian currency Lari (GEL)
We will transfer money to a bank in Georgia
where Beograd Consulting Group supports opening a bank account.

* Banks in countries where
Beograd Consulting Group supports opening an account can be transferred.
Please contact us for countries other than Georgia.

*This service is only for our clients.


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